
Core Functionalities & Components

DXF Delivery App

DXF Delivery App
The DXF Delivery App is the "brain" of the framework. It provides the possibility to integrate (micro-)services via REST-API and is connected to central identity and access management enabling private and public content. With the DXF Delivery App, the website editor can manage integrated services and configure which user role will be able to see certain content elements and main navigation points.


  • FirstSpirit web content management system
    (incl. CD compliant RB Master template set)
  • Configuration of DXF parameters directly in WCMS
  • FS editing functionalities enhanced by dynamic components
  • Single sign-on functionality with central Bosch ID
  • Authorization with Keycloak Role management
  • ‘Control Center’ for integrated services
Delivery App

Microservice Integration

service integration
(Micro-)services and widgets can be connected with the DXF delivery app via REST API and blended into a combined user interface on a single "mashup" page with other services or content blocks. Possible use cases could be marketing landing pages for campaigns or highlight products, B2B customer portal dashboards or IoT control dashboard pages.


(Micro-) Service and widget integration with REST API

Integration guide to standardize service development and integration

DXF Delivery App serves as the "control center" for integrated services

microservice integration

DXF Navigation Service

Delivery App


Navigation Service
The DXF Navigation Service makes it possible to loosely connect different content delivering systems and display them “side-by-side” within the header navigation. To each of the systems, the service will provide the data required for generating a consistent header and footer.


Technical component delivering application wide header, footer and navigation data.

Central component to ensure seamless experience in integrated scenarios

Navi SVC

DXF Metasearch functionality

DXF Metasearch
The DXF Metasearch is a cross-application search which forwards the users query to each respective search engine of the systems connected via DXF and aggregates the results in a tabulated user interface.


Cross-application search which aggregates results from various DXF-integrated systems

Standardized interface definition for search engine integration


Extranet functionality

Extranet Functionality
The DXF access control feature allows you to restrict parts of your content to certain users based on their roles. Currently DXF supports access control for single pages, complete navigation folders (recursively) and media assets.


DXF uses CIAM (Customer Identity and Access Management) indirectly via Keycloak for user authentication

CIAM is assuring a single-sign-on functionality for all connected applications by using a global Robert Bosch ID

Keycloak is used for access and role management

It is possible to control access to sites in the main navigation and to content or a service within a page

Sites with restricted access will only be visible in the navigation if a user (CIAM Bosch ID) with the respective access permission role (Keycloak) is logged in

access management

The following CIAM test user accounts can be used in this demo environment - feel free to login and see which different sites and content is visible for each user:

Adam Admin | CIAM Username: Adam@Admin.com | PW: Eveatetheapple123!

Bob Builder | CIAM Username: Bob@builder.com | PW: Rollyoursleevesup123!

Peter Petrolhead | CIAM Username: Peter@petrolhead.com | PW: Pedaltothemetal123!
