
Data protection policy

Data protection policy of Robert Bosch GmbH

Corporate information Legal notice Data protection policy Cookies

Bosch is pleased to have you visit our internet sites and welcomes your interest in the company and its products.

Bosch respects your privacy

The protection of your privacy in the processing of your personal data is an important concern to which we pay special attention during our business processes. Any personal data collected by our websites during your visit is processed confidentially and in strict accordance with legal provisions. Data protection and information security are part of our corporate policy.

Collection and processing of personal data

No personal data is stored unless voluntarily disclosed by you for a specific purpose, e.g. in the context of a registration, a survey, a contest, or in performance of a contract.

In addition, the following information is collected when visiting our website: IP addresses, the website from which you visit us (referrer), pages viewed, videos viewed/audio tracks listened to, individual links clicked, duration of visit, browser used, etc. If the visit is a result of online advertising such as banners, video ads, search engine advertising, etc., we also record which banner, adword, etc. motivated the visit to Bosch websites.

The insights gained enable us to further optimize our websites and tailor them even better to our visitors’ needs.

Use of cookies

Information on the cookies in use for this website can be found under Cookies.

Use of social plugins as part of social media

Bosch websites use the YouTube video platform operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 USA. YouTube is a platform that enables playback of audio and video files.

When you load a page on our website, the integrated YouTube player establishes a connection to YouTube in order to ensure the technical transmission of the video or audio file. When the connection to YouTube is established, data is transferred to YouTube.

For information about the scope and purpose of data collection, the further processing and use of the data by YouTube, and your rights and the settings you can configure to protect your privacy, please refer to the YouTube Data Protection Notice.

Use of external links

Bosch websites may contain links to third-party websites operated by providers that are not associated with us. After you click the link, we no longer have any influence over the collection, storage, or processing of any personal data transmitted by clicking the link (such as the IP address or URL of the page that contains the link), as the behaviour of third parties is, by nature, beyond our control. Therefore, Bosch is not responsible for the processing of personal data by third parties.

Use of personal data and purpose specification

Bosch, or a service provider engaged by Bosch, uses your personal data for the purpose of technical administration of websites, customer administration, product surveys, or inquiries you submit to Bosch and only in the scope necessary for this purpose or according to the description of processing purposes given at the corresponding locations of our websites. Our employees and the service providers engaged by Bosch are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply with the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act.

Moreover, all necessary technical and organizational measures are taken to comply with data protection rules.


Bosch takes security precautions to ensure that the data we have under our control is protected against manipulation, loss, destruction, and unauthorized access or disclosure. Our security measures are being continuously improved in accordance with the state of technological developments.


When you provide us with personal data, we use it to inform you about our products and services and, where applicable, to include you in surveys about them, provided you have given us your express consent to use your personal data for advertising purposes. If you have granted your consent for such use, but no longer wish to receive advertising from Bosch, you can revoke your consent at any time. Your data is then deleted, or provided that it is necessary for billing and accounting purposes, blocked accordingly.

Revoking consent

You can also revoke your consent to the future collection, processing, and use of your personal data.

Personal data will be deleted if the consent for its storage is revoked, if the data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected, or if storage of the data is inadmissible due to other legal reasons.

Data which is necessary for billing and accounting purposes or which is subject to the legal obligation to preserve is not affected.


To obtain more information or to submit suggestions or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact our chief data security officer.

If incorrect information has been stored despite our efforts to maintain correct and up-to-date data, we will correct this upon your request.

Mr. Matthias Goebel
Chief Officer Corporate Data Security
Information Security and Privacy (C/ISP)
Robert Bosch GmbH
Postfach 30 02 20
70442 Stuttgart